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Wa1rus is a semi-active player who replaced SpicyDiamond98 in PSV after the physical presence of Spicy's wrath faded during the end of GM4D. He lives in the desert spikes biome near the World Hub and plans to build the Water Bois hub there. Noteable accomplishments of him include crafting the first shulker box in GM4D, creating the name "Water Bois", and getting cursed about seven times in the span of a couple weeks. Other than that he spends most of his time hiding from phantoms.

OccupationLeader of the Water Bois
Years activeA few
EmployerWater Bois
Opponent(s)World Benders

Previous Lives

Before his incarnation as a peaceful desert walrus in PSV, Wa1rus lived as a robot from the Spicy-Diamond line of similar bots. Being the 98th functioning copy, it dubbed itself SpicyDiamond98. He alone, separated from everyone else in the first four public servers. He joined GFD as a low level worker and helped build and design some farms for them throughout PSII and PSIII.

During the Blue's Clues challenges in PSIII, Spicy met his fate during the end of server tour for PSIII. He got all the way to stage four of the curse before he was brutally and mercilessly killed by CrazyMan47. Unwilling to let this horrible deed go, Spicy continued to haunt the server until it closed. When GM4D opened, Spicy returned. However, his physical presence, although still visible, was not there. All that remained was a phantom of his wrath, waiting for revenge.

Over the course of the sever, Spicy erected several shrines in order to draw power from command blocks and unique items in order to gain more power. His attempts failed as his visible presence faded at the closing of GM4D. Today, his spirit still lingers in the command blocks of GM4, waiting for the return of CrazyMan47 so he can exact revenge and release his built up vengeance and wrath on him eternally.

The Water Bois

During PSIII, a large liquid tank appeared in Mountains. The requirement was to fill the tank with a ton of zauber potions. However, someone had to keep refilling the cauldrons. This is where the Water Bois stepped in. They tirelessly filled cauldrons night and day in order to fulfill the challenge ahead of them. SpicyDiamond98 came forward as the self proclaimed leader of the water bois. During GM4D, the power of the Water Bois was suppressed but when the 1.13 update rolled around, they were renewed. Upon Spicy's departure after GM4D, Wa1rus took up the role of leader of the water bois.

Fueled by the increased power of the Water Bois, Wa1rus plans to lead them into victory against the World Benders. He has taken up what Spicy left off with