Metallurgy/Musical Shamir

This module is currently unreleased to the public.

The Musical Shamir allows players to gain strength from killing mobs in quick succession.


Musical is a custom shamir which allows players to gain strength from music. For details on how to create a cast with metal band, see the Metallurgy page. It is found on a Barimium Band, and can be placed onto swords and axes. For details on adding a Shamir to an item, see the Metallurgy page.


Using the enchanted weapon will grant strength I and plays music to the player while killing mobs. Killing mobs for long enough will cause the music to become darker, and grant strength II to the player.


Players will gain slowness at the same level of their strength while using a Musical weapon.


Date Version Change
10 Nov 2017 2.0 Musical released on Gamemode 4D