Metallurgy/Infinitas Shamir

Revision as of 13:33, 13 December 2020 by BluePsychoRanger (talk | contribs) (Custom Module Icon)

The Spiraculum Shamir allows players to attract mobs and items.

Spiraculum Shamir

Module TypeExpansion
Created byBloo, Sparks and Special
Required ModulesMetallurgy
Compatible MC Versions1.13+


Shamir Properties
Property Equivalence
Metal Band Thorium Brass
Valid Items


Holding the Spriaculum bucket will cause mobs to be attracted towards you.

When holding the bucket in the mainhand or offhand, mobs and items in a 11x11 area will spiral around the player. The mob will not gain any upwards motion, so players cannot move mobs up over blocks with this. Once a mob touches the player, it will circle around for a short time, then be released in a random direction away from the player. Players can use the ability on multiple mobs at once, as long as they are nearby (about 5 block radius).


Once using the Spiraculum bucket on a mob, that mob will not be affected by Spiraculum until all players holding a Spriaculum bucket leaves the area.

Technical Details

Filling a Spiraculum bucket with any type of liquid will destroy the Shamir and leave the player with a normal bucket.

A mob that has been affected by Spiraculum must be at least 10 blocks away from any player holding a Spiraculum bucket in order to be affected by Spiraculum again. Deselecting the bucket for a short while will also reset the mob's cool down.


Version Date Change
1.12 10 Nov 2017 Alpha released Metallurgy on Gamemode 4D
1.13 17 May 2019 Beta released on Public Server V
08 Aug 2019 Officially Released Spiraculum Shamir