Enchantment Extractors

This module allows players to, with mixed success, transfer the enchantments on tools, weapons and armor onto enchanted books for reuse.

Enchantment Extractors

Module TypeReliant
Created byThe8BitMonkey
Last Updated bySpecialBuilder32, Misode and BluePsychoRanger
Complementary ModulesRelocators
Compatible MC Versions1.8, 1.12+


To extract an enchantment, the player must throw an enchanted item on top of an Enchantment Extractor. The enchantment will be removed from the item, but the item will not be deleted. There is a chance that the enchantment will be placed on a book inside the extractor.

If extraction fails, either a puff of smoke releases, or a "Congealed Enchantment" or "Living Enchantment" (vex) is spawned. A Congealed Enchantment will die after 5 seconds, but a Living Enchantment will stay alive until it is killed or naturally despawns.

No book is required for extraction; the Extractor creates the book if it successfully extracts an enchantment. Powerful Enchantments (Mending, Sharpness V, Power V, Silk Touch, Efficiency V, Looting III) have a 3% chance to be cursed with Curse of Vanishing when extracted.

Enchantment Extraction Process
Congealed Enchantment if Extraction Fails
Living Enchantment if Extraction Fails


The Enchantment Extractor can be crafted in a Custom Crafter with the following recipe:

Item Ingredients Recipe (Custom Crafter)
Enchantment Extractor Enchantment Table +

Gold Ingot +

Grindstone +


Custom Crafter

Technical Details

There is a 70% chance that a puff of smoke is released when extraction fails. There is a 10% chance of spawning a Congealed Enchantment when extraction fails. There is a 10% chance of spawning a Living Enchantment when extraction fails. When the Enchantment Extractor is broken, all items used to craft it will be dropped.

Extraction Success Rates

Below is a list of all Enchantments and their success rate of being extracted.

Enchantment Chance










Protection 95 80 65 50
Fire Protection 95 80 65 50
Blast Protection 95 80 65 50
Projectile Protection 95 80 65 50
Feather Falling 90 75 60 45
Respiration 75 59 30
Aqua Affinity 40
Thorns 70 55 35
Depth Strider 85 60 25
Frost Walker 30 10
Soul Speed 40 30 15
Curse of Binding 10
Sharpness 95 70 60 50 30*
Smite 95 70 60 50 30
Bane of Arthropods 95 85 75 65 55
Knockback 75 45
Fire Aspect 85 35
Looting 70 55 40*
Sweeping Edge 70 50 30
Efficiency 95 85 75 60 20*
Silk Touch 10*
Fortune 80 30 5
Power 70 45 40 30 25*
Punch 80 50
Flame 15
Infinity 15
Luck of the Sea 80 60 40
Lure 75 65 35
Riptide 70 50 30
Loyalty 35 25 15
Channeling 20
Impaling 95 90 80 80
Piercing 90 70 50 30
Multishot 70
Quick Charge 80 60 40
Unbreaking 90 55 25
Curse of Vanishing 8
Mending 5*

*Has a 3% chance of having Curse of Vanishing when extracted


Enchantment Extractors can be moved with Relocators.


Advancement Requirement
Clever Enchanting
Construct an Enchantment Extractor
Have an Enchantment Extractor in your inventory
Magical Thief
Successfully extract the mending enchantment from a tool with an Enchantment Extractor
Successfully extract an un-cursed mending book

Learn More and Download

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Version Date Change
1.8 26 May 2014 Released Enchantment Extractors
10 Jun 2015 Bug fixes for 1-click
1.12 17 Sept 2017 Overhauled for 1.12
Added "Clever Enchanting" and "Magical Thief" achievements[note 1]
Added a chance to spawn a vex if extraction fails
Added a chance to curse powerful enchantments
Breaking the extractor drops all items used to craft it
1.13 08 Dec 2018 Added Trident Enchantments
1.14 12 Jul 2019 Added Crossbow Enchantments
1.15 04 Aug 2020 Fixed a bug where items with empty Enchantments would have their glint removed
1.16 03 Sep 2020 Added Soul Speed Enchantment
29 Nov 2020 Enchantment Extractors drop a custom block when moved with Relocators
1.18 23 Apr 2022 Enchantment Extractors are now crafted as items instead of created within a dropper
Updated crafting recipe
"Clever Enchanting" advancement trigger changed to picking up a Compressor
Enchantment Extractors will drop as an item when broken instead of the crafting components

Previous Versions

MC 1.8 Version

The MC 1.8 Version there was no chance that a vex would spawn in this version; if the extraction fails, nothing happens. In this version, there is also no chance for powerful enchantments to be cursed. If the table is broken, only the enchanting table and dropper would be dropped.

MC 1.8-1.17 Versions

Prior to 1.18, Enchantment Extractors were created by inserting the following items into a dropper, followed by dropping an Enchanting Table on top of the dropper to complete the creation of an enchantment extractor.



Additionally, breaking the Enchantment Extractor dropped the items used to craft them instead of a custom item.


  1. now advancements