This module causes Mooshrooms to spawn shroomites that infect areas with mycelium and mushrooms.


Module TypeStand Alone
Created bySparks, Bluefire610 and SpecialBuilder32
Compatible MC Versions1.13


Mooshrooms have a rare chance to spawn in a shroomite. A shroomite will spawn spores that spread mycelium to nearby blocks. Additionally, Cows that come in contact with a spore will turn into a Mooshroom.


A shroomite is a special red mushroom that will release visible spores that spread out from the shroomite. If a spore is in the air, it will slowly float down and in random directions until expiring or landing on a block. A spore has a low chance to spawn in a new shroomite mushroom if there are no other shroomites nearby. If a shroomite mushroom is mined or broken, it will no longer release spores.

Spores move very slowly and take multiple mincraft days to spread and infect blocks.

Technical Summary

Mooshrooms will spawn a shroomite about every 3.75 minecraft days (75 minutes). Shroomites can only be placed onto grass blocks, podzol, dirt, stone, farmland, grass paths, and gravel. When being placed, shroomites can replace air, leaves, saplings, grass/ferns, torches, vines, flowers, crops, melon/pumpkin stems, and sugarcane.

Lava, water, snow, and cobwebs will destroy spores that come in contact. Spores cannot spread through solid blocks or sunflowers, and can climb up 1 block to continue spreading. Spores that move over a drop will float slowly down until they land or die.

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Date Version Change
19 Nov 2018 3.0 Released Shroomites