Metallurgy/Defuse Shamir

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Revision as of 14:46, 17 May 2019 by ToffeeMax (talk | contribs) (Spellig not moi tang)
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This module is currently unreleased to the public.

The Defuse Shamir stops creeper explosions around players.


Defuse is a custom shamir which prevents creepers from exploding near players. For details on how to create a cast with metal band, see the Metallurgy page. It is found on a Aluminium Band, and can be placed onto armor. For details on adding a Shamir to an item, see the Metallurgy page.


With the enchanted armor piece equipped, creepers will not explode around the player. A nearby creeper will not move if a player has a defuse armor item equipped, until the players moves far enough from the creeper.


When defused once, the affected creeper will never explode again.


Date Version Change
10 Nov 2017 2.0 Defuse released on Gamemode 4D