Metallurgy/Ender Bolt Shamir

Revision as of 14:50, 17 May 2019 by ToffeeMax (talk | contribs) (How do you do this @BluePsychoRanger amazes me)

This module is currently unreleased.

The Ender Bolt Shamir allows players to wither mobs from a distance.


Ender Bolt is a custom shamir which allows you to wither nearby mobs. For details on how to create a cast with metal band, see the Metallurgy page. It is found on a Thorium Band, and can be placed onto swords. For details on adding a Shamir to an item, see the Metallurgy page.


Using the enchanted sword will cause players and mobs in a nearby radius to be withered. Once a mob is withered, it can pass the wither effect to nearby mobs, creating a chain reaction.


Any player not holding an Ender Bolt sword will experience the wither effect, if within the radius of effect or by a chain reaction. The chain effect cannot be passed to armor stands, item frames, or items.


Date Version Change
10 Nov 2017 2.0 Ender Bolt released on Gamemode 4D